Experiments in video
I'm a big fan of creating for the sake of creating. As creatives, it represents one of the few times that client objectives and brand guidelines don't apply. We are free to make and explore as we please. Below are some projects that have come out of this exercise. Some I created with my team, others on an exciting Friday evening in (which apparently happens too often). Sometimes the idea landed, other times they didn't but there was always something to learn and apply to a future project.
Green Screen Experiments
This series happened one day when I realized one of our our office walls could be used for green screen content. Surprisingly enough, that hunch turned out to be correct and these are few videos created from that experience.
found footage experiments
For a little while I was obsessed with kaleidoscopes which was the inspiration here. Here are a couple projects from my kaleidoscope period, made with found footage for that extra nerdy flavor.